1993 until today

How it all began

It was the year 1993 when Frank Rosenzweig and Valerie Mouton, young loving parents, were on their way to the Frankfurt Book Fair. Frank had illustrated an impressive number of books in the past year and was looking forward to admiring the new releases directly at the publishers’ stands and exchanging some news. But on this day, ominously dark clouds hung over the highway as they listened to a radio report about the terrible situation of children in the Bosnian war. The drive to Frankfurt was overshadowed by insights into the cruelties of war, which relentlessly descended upon their fellow Europeans. Horror and deep sadness seized their minds. It broke their hearts. Upon arriving at the fair, even the inspiring new releases and the warm atmosphere could not alleviate their heaviness.

Impulse and reaction

Europe, Your Children

A Painting Against War

“I am at a loss for words,” Frank broke the silence on the way back. “But there must be a way to clearly speak out against these crimes.” He also pointed out that it was in the nature of the artist to reflect on political and social developments. After intense discussions, he decided to paint a picture.
Thus, “Europe, Your Children” was created, a moving work inspired by one of the most famous anti-war photographs. In this picture, a child flees naked from the horrors of war and seeks refuge in Europe. Yet even Europe, symbolized by the European flag, has already caught fire. The painting received great acclaim and found a new home in no time, while Frank’s artistic soul was in turmoil.

Change Of Direction

A Philosophical Decision

Not Against War But For Peace

Frank couldn’t imagine continually depicting the horrors of war, whether on paper or canvas. After all, so many were already doing so. How could the human family break free from this dark spiral if there were no pioneers for new visions of the future? A quote hit home in his thoughts and strengthened his decision to henceforth advocate for peace.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller

the first portraits

Many Children One World

Exhibition: Hungry Hearts

In the summer of 1995, the artist couple decided to accept an offer for a large-scale art exhibition. This provided them with the opportunity to combine art with peace and to highlight the creative power of children. Frank developed the installation “Many Children One World,” consisting of his newly created World Peace Flag, eight large-scale children’s portraits, and a sound collage. The exhibition “Hungry Hearts” was realized with three other artists in the transition between 1995 and 1996 and was a great success, attracting over 3000 visitors aged 8 to 88. Many of the exhibition visitors participated in a marketing survey, the result of which was clear. The installation “Many Children One World” was chosen as the most popular artwork of the exhibition. This encouraged Frank to follow his vision and further promote the idea of “Many Children One World.”

downtown Hamburg


A Vision Persists Despite Setbacks

Despite challenges and personal setbacks, Frank and Valerie remained true to their goal. In the fall of 2004, they presented for the first time the idea of a walkable installation with the concept of a global network of similar installations on all continents. The first school art action day with 1200 students was realized, and Sony Europe pledged its support. But life had other plans. The diagnosis of cancer and the subsequent therapies completely derailed the visionary and almost took him out of life.

back to life

The Portaits

The Journey Continues

With the support of many wonderful people and the awareness that his life’s work was far from fulfilled, Frank found his way back into the artist’s life. Between the worlds of transience, present, and future, his creative spaces opened up. With the portrait “Sarah,” an invisible spell was broken. More and more children’s portraits flowed unstoppably onto the canvas through the brush. Like carried by a wave, wonderful artists joined the couple. School projects at home and abroad were realized.

united Nations

A Lithograph

In the Company of Pablo and Andy

At the same time, he was honored to participate as a German artist in the prestigious lithography program of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, abbreviated as WFUNA. This program already included greats such as Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso, and Andy Warhol.
Frank Rosenzweig’s lithograph “Many Children One World” was launched in May 2018, followed by an invitation to exhibit at the United Nations headquarters.


Click here for the WFUNA Lithography page

present day

The World Peace Flag

A Story of Hope and Unity

Today, the artist couple continues their mission. Valerie founded the nonprofit “Many Children One World Foundation.”
The artists’ commitment to peace and creativity has already inspired thousands of people to raise a flag for peace and shape a better future.

When the weapons are laid down, the white flag is raised, and the dialogue can begin. That’s why the flag is white. Each continent is represented by a golden star, emphasizing our global interconnectedness. The circle represents the infinite connection between all people.
Each portrait contains a reference to the larger context.

“Our flag is more than just a symbol – it is a message of cooperation and peace for the entire world.” Valerie Mouton Rosenzweig